Organization & Contacts
Örö Residency Center Association
The residency is administered by Örön Residenssikeskus ry, an artists-run association. We seek to collaborate with diverse interest groups and organizations in the fields of art and research to ensure a versatile use of our residency and to realize various interdisciplinary projects.
The residency is supported by The Arts Council of Finland, The Swedish Cultural Foundation in Finland, the Kimito County and Konstsamfundet.
Board 2024
Nuutti Koskinen, chairman
Nina-Maria Oförsagd
Pasi Rauhala
Katja Niemi
Mikko Itälahti
Laura Koistinen
Mari Mäkiö
A Project in Development
Our long-term plan is to develop the residency programme into a collaborative platform for organizations of art and science. By providing accommodation for at the minimum two simultaneous visitors, we hope to promote active contact between different fields of art and research.
The infrastructure on the island is still under development by Metsähallitus. Restoration efforts are eventually going to cover the over 50 buildings of the island, many them built by the Imperial Russian Army before the First World War.
The estates on the island offer opportunities for flexible, multi-use spaces which could in the future be shared by multiple organizations. We are open to any emerging possibilities for collaboration.
Örön Residenssikeskus ry
Business ID FI26832059
Nuutti Koskinen, chairman
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