Jamie Allen
Jamie Allen is occupied with the ways that technologies teach us about who we are as individuals, cultures and societies. His work has been exhibited internationally, from the Neue Nationalgalerie in Berlin to the American Museum of Natural History in New York to the Nam June Paik Art Center in Korea. He teaches, lectures and leads workshops widely, engaging with and working to create collaborative contexts that acknowledge how care, attachment and love are central to knowledge practices like art and research.
Infrastructural Extrusions
All over this earth, in places urban and rural, remote and central, there are terminal boxes, electrical enclosures and telecoms cabinets. They go by still many other names — access points, cross-connect box, pedestal. Each one takes up a small plot of land that is of ambiguous ownership, variable footprint and unknown depth. They serve as a kind of portal between a worldly above ground culture of communications and the netherworld of conduits and cables that writhe through hidden geologies. Öro’s infrastructural extrusions pull the underground up and through the surface, a boreal subterranea communicates its layered history.